Here is IRONY of the whole situation: Mr. I dont have the time to list all of them. His Wife looks like a Baboon and is a phony Nigger like him. Hiding out in Chicago somewhere OR BEING FAG CHILDMOLESTER GEORGE ROCCO Back Street Crips. Black boycott on that buster pass the word lets get rid of jim. Respect is earned and to you MUCH RESPECT!! !,I am a rollxn 0 Crip to get it exaCt and if you wanna know whiCh rollxn 0 Crip gang set I Claim your gonna have to suCC,Choke,and gag on my diCC even though your a heart broken lesbian named brenda bitCh!!!!! We use crips and bloods as target practice you fucking civilians are open season too you know the name you know the spot if you want to come shut me up and tell me theres no gangster in HB I already told your blonde ass where to find us. WORD THAT WE GOT BACK FROM Our subroutine and trace tools mark you somewhere in the Midwest. AN YOUR LOOKING FOR AN EXCUSE Stay in sac town. I hate all gangs regardless of there color! Canarsie(/knrsi/ k-NAR-see) is a working- and middle-class residential and commercial neighborhood in the southeastern portion of the borough of Broker, in Liberty City, United States. Take care brother! Let see who prevails in 3rd your the dumbass that brought the police into this by again implying your a cop and then had the nerve to challenge me to meet you there!! @Ricco is a fag and likes to take it up the ass and he is voting for Bernie Sanders. Let me know when you want to come by so you can see what a pussy I am. And that is all I have to say about that. You keep doing the complete OPPOSITE of what you have Preached on here by continually responding to me with pitiful ridiculous statements. On April 29, 1992, the police officers who were involved in the Rodney King beating, were found not guilty. If you were a real police officer why would you come on here and tell everyone. I do travel between the Midwest and Los Angeles quite a bit. They are the lowest scum in America, ESPECIALLY Niggers in a gang. AYE DWAYNE lil home NOW YOU SAYING YOU LIED ON PURPOSE.. LMAO LOL LETT ITT GO BITCH.. You may have integrity but he doesn.PERIOD!! LOL. FOR FAGGING LMAO. Im a supervisor for the Water Dept where i live and i would almost bet i make more then you and that my house is bigger than yours. I have no clue where you got those figures from, and its obvious you dont know any blacks. But please no your facts before you open your mouth! LMAO. So if anybody can point me into the right direction I sure would appreciate it very much! whats cracc loc this is yg murda loc 823 g-stone offical wit mines naw mean but other locs wanna trade knowledge holla at my cell 206 600 2644 ladies 2 c-40 c-safe . Long story short my daughter had a very high gpa. You cuss because you can not use any other words and that is all your little pea brain can come up with. In terms of evidence, if you listen to the track above around the 1:27 mark, you can hear Pop Smoke say "I'm 823 and certified". YOU DONT HAVE SHIT !FUCK HA! Chicago PD has confirmation that the person who goes by that name is Probobly a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy. 80+3 and that glizzy xn me cuz! A CRACKER CRACKER CRACKER WHITE CUNT WHITE CUNT I wish I had you guys brain because I would be rich! I have a thing for wanna be internet bad ass retard pussy ass motherfuckers like you. How do you know the size of my dick, you faggot? Everyone has a gift and a lot of those guys in that picture I guarantee you are smart and have a lot to offer given the chance, My daughter also has a best friend that went to school with her that was in the foster system that grew up in watts. You two are like peas and carrots lol both from families that smoke crack, collect food stamps and live on welfare. See the CRACKER. He never says anything bad on the Mexican sites even though there gangs are just as violent as crips and bloods. Hahah ya. This is Marina. Then, you dont sleep, because you can not stop thinking of this child you had to look at. OUR BIRDIES CHIRPING. ROCCO IS A PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY HA! ).And you are definitely making shit up it is no way that 80% of bKlaCC people are living Celow the poverty line world wide or in the u.s.a. even though you would like all of us to take you at your word and Celieve.And you also say that only 2.5% of us bKlaCC people are doCtors or Crooked lawyers you obviously got our bKlaCC lawyers Confused wit your pussy eating (hONKEY) Colored sperm stained poliCe offiCers,sheriffs,sheriff deputies,u.s. I NEVER said I work at the Compton Sheriff Station. Never ceases to amaze me and a whole lot of other rational logical people. 3rd Street Crips [defunct] A Line Crips [defunct] Avalon 40s Crips. In the Watts district of Los Angeles, there are four gangs under the Mafia . What possible difference would it make to you? Back to GEORGE ROCCO! The Blixkys and PNV always shout out the Chos. THAT DO THEIR JOBS! No Asshole, The regular Police Officers work under our direction. One of these things is talked about in EVERY FUCKING COMMENT. 1090 are the bloods from the Canarsie 90s that are linked with The 100 Cloccs GSC Crips & GS9. Even the other racist who has been saying nigger and Rocco pussy lips!! 2). , My Ancestors came from Europe, not from the hills of Kentucky like your Nigger Ancestors. I said refresh my memory. Although Brownsville is home to the G-Stone Crips it is also home to one of the rival gangs in Brooklyn the Gangster Disciples. Today the Broker District Attorney Rick Gonzalez and Liberty City Police Commissioner Dermot Shea announced that 34 alleged members of two rival Fireflies-based street gangs were variously charged in a 122-count indictment, including attempted murder and criminal possession of weapons. But they chose this life. You are so fat you cant jerk of so you rub ur fat tits. He got the nickname "Monster" at the age of thirteen when he beat and stomped a robbery victim until he was disfigured. Fucc Sissys-strollin Hoes -Rollin Skates.3TRAYS ALL DAY MXXVIN, TrampKxlla Smoce a TrampK wxthout a ashtrayK SnoovaKilla Fuc da DooCies. And Im also glad I made something of myself and I dont have to live in the hood anymore. Your entertainment is coming onto this site and talking trash like you are worth something. .ur on this site its a black site WOW you most like usim not on any cracker site talking stupid shit like u because i dont care about u are what your doing. And tbh WHO CARES IF YOU DO OR DONT!! Thats all. RIP WOO The G Stone Crips were at war with a local gang known as BMW (Broker's Most Wanted), the war was sparked in 2011 when a member of the BMW gang shot and killed the G Stone Crip's leader. OG pocket I dont see gangs nor color. Hes a Muslim Nigger with a huge Inferiority Complex. Watts CraCCin/fuCC you amon and I Can tell your not a real gang banger CeCause the word napps is spelled with two ps and not one you fake Claiming slobK,diru,snoov3r,donut or Watt ever gang you Claim bitCh.And if your not a riCh rKollinK youll get your life stolen bitCh.And yep thats right the pittsburgh steelers gang still making all the brains hang. The 2% figure I stated is probably on the generous side. Its my job to help put these street Niggers in Jail. List Of G-Stone Crip Rappers.Song List In Order:Bobby Shmurda - Hot Nigga Rebel - Computers LMAO. I thought you were Rocco. Trying to link up wit them ATL Trayz with my Northside ETG from 8altimore . You are that dude on facebook that says one thing and do another. LOL ROCKO TALKS THAT PINK BELT KUNG FU WARRIOR JEDI SHITT BUTT HE IS NOTT ABOUTT TO MEET ANY OF US ANYWHERE!! And again most of us are calling you out cause you implied your a cop or you said you work with them. (MOUSE SHITTER) Sounds like it to me. im going to celebrate my win.and NO u cant be there u nasty hillbilly. Also, WHY ARENT YOU BLACK PEOPLE MAD WITH THE BLACK ON BLACK VIOLENCE THAT TAKES PLACE EVERY GOD DAMN DAY IN OUR CITIES??????????????????? Youre OBSESSED with it. But then I remember stories that my grandpa told me about the South, and how hard it was if you were black. But i really LOVE what you said my brother! I do have to admit though that we all ( at least silently) seeing the Niggers killing each other in Chicago just like they used to do back in Africa. HA! One girl was shot fifteen times, and the other girl was shot eight times, they both died of their gunshot wounds. I dont live in an Apartment. LMFAO.YOUR ALL TALK CRACKER FAGGOT IM IN THE PARKING LOT KNOW WERE U AT.ILL DRIVE BY THE EAST END GATE NEAR THE POST VAN.BRING YOUR CRACKER ASS SCARY BITCH AND CATCH THESE BULLETS LIKE A COWARD WHITE TRASH CRACKER U R, IM ABOUT THAT LIFEILL GIVE U SOME TIME 2 SHOW UP SNITCH DONT WORRY THE SHERIFF UP HER DONT GIVE Also it's not 730 GSC it's 823 GSC. On September 16, 2017, Donovan Frazier aka Breezy, a 20 year-old member of the Lincoln Family, was k*lled while leaving a bodega on Franklin Ave. GS9 are a subset of the Gangsta Stone Crips in East Flatbush, Brooklyn. She brought back a couple of cops from the Gang Unit one was a white dude and the other a black dude and for a couple of cops they were pretty cool. PNV Jay always shouts him out in songs and says "Free Maine." I only said that bad word because I wanted to piss @Ricco pussy lips off. Youre just too dumb to see it. Dont reach for youre weapon, Ill take the weapon. All because of blue and red. Your the one who is a loser and always will be!!! What about those remarks he made about Michelle Obama? They are just not on this Site and are MORE POLITE than me, (like my Wife being one). Because if you did, you would know that the MAJORITY of blacks are not criminals, and are making something of themselves, and do make an honest days living! My alias is stomper. He got the nickname Monster at the age of thirteen when he beat and stomped a robbery victim until he was disfigured. Oh and by the way, these niggers really look like bad asses what with the cemetery behind them celebrating like they graduated colle. I understand. U r such a liar pussy lips! First of all let me say that im not a gang member I just happend to check out this site and seen all these comments. They are well-known for their brutal reputation with over 300 active members. And believe me I do understand one thing your mad cause you got exposed! We have men in between as well in between w. 95th, w.103rd, w.107th, w.111th, w.115th, w. 119th, w. Pullman, w.127th, all the way to s. Prairie , Parnell Ave, s. Wabash, and even near South Illinois Secretary of State. LOL. Thank you very much you made my point. Your a LIER AN NAZI whos a MURDERER HIDING Behind your CROOKED BADGE ! Brooklyn Unites in Celebration of Pop Smoke, 50 Cent Snitch Document Was Reportedly Fabricated. right on rocco! Why, what are you hoping to accomplish by saying that?!? ITS SPELLED 2 Months, Not 2 Mouths, You dumb Nigger. And by the way Im not black. If youre not in a gang, then NONE OF THIS has anything to do with you. Now, the stupid Nigger named Preme the Queen has not only Law Enforcement people looking to TALK to him but ALSO has other Niggers looking to SMOKE him. Spooked him into being a good boy. Obama is Anti-Police, Anti-Christian, Anti-Military, Anti-White, Pop Smoke was tussling with some legal issues prior to his death. then you talk bout smellin a towel and sum other dum shit. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. And making boss money !!!!!!! I scrolled through and checked out his comments and he says nigger every other word! Youre a Dumb Asshole Ghetto Nigger who doesnt work for ANY UNION. This Nigger said the same thing about another Black guy that he is arguing with named Dwayne Cross. Either Hes Maybe I would have a problem. And the good thing about us whites is we all think of you as stinky greasy eating up all the chicken thinking your the best dancer niggers. Not my problem. However, when I call you a Dumb Ignorant Nigger, IT BOTHERS YOU TO NO FUCKING END BECAUSE YOU HAVE A HUGE INFERIORITY COMPLEX. If you believe Im a pussy, then come by, Nigger. SEE THE IRONY OF IT. This isnt a Site about St. Marys Church. You are the God Damn dumbest Nigger on this whole Blog. CHIRPING IN CHICAGO, You dont give a FUCK !,ms.girl,prison bitCh!!!!! And you sound NOTHING like them. YOU LYING. Skrell Paid used to be a 730 GSC but he flipped GD after his good friend Rich Flocks was k*lled. The Chos are also called Shiggies. AND SHOVING HER SHIT DOWN HER WHITE TRASH MOUTH. YOU SICK FUCK Instead you went the other way, and now, my people want to talk to you. Black men who belong to these neighborhood Sets ARE Niggers. MUSLIM TERRORIST! I already know who you are in real life you dumb asshole and youre TOO SCARED to fight me. No thanks to the gangsters in Chicago and the smiling fools in this picture!! HES GOT SEVERAL IN THE I also watched the movie Selma and shook my head the whole movie thinking wow those brothers and sisters really put it down for us. That is what is ALWAYS on your Nigger mind. In either case what kind of example are you setting? Again my brother i truly apologize to you for calling you those names! LMAO ( Especially since you dont even know me). Thats all they can do. A child killed for being a victim of circumstance. This is where they will all be sooner than later. 092MLBOA is a crip set, includes GSC members. For another time! But if a person has racist views like rocco then that person HAS NO BUSINESS being connected to any law enforcement group in any capacity whatsoever cause it can affect there judgement and decision making!!!! They're called GS9 because they're located in the 90s (91st St. to 96th St.). A MONKEY FOR A CRACKER FAGGING DISEASE Colored men and even 5 year and 6 year old lil red neCC hillbilly boys eat pussy y@ll weak minded,emotional asses,would do anything to please and keep a woman,and dont deny that you dont know Watt its like to have the smell of smelly,fish bar,dead rotten Corpse smelling pussy on your breath you have tasted more vagina that most guys inCluding your own mother,you know Watt its like to furiously and passionately eat a womans bootyhole,and liCC and Consume the nut slash Cum 4rum a womans Clitoris,and biggest problem that women have wit you is that when you get done eating their pussies and they use you and angrily shout foe you to get out is after they try to kiCC you out of their apartment is that you wont leave and that you eat the pussy hair off of their vaginas witout permission and you also slurp their vaginas dry of female sperm and you want to lay wit your faCe Cetween their legs all day Cut the problem wit that is some of these women aCtually have jobs whiCh pay well exCeeds you blank $0 dollar payCheCC.And another problem that your orally raped female viCtims have wit you is your way to desperate to eat their pussies.And the united states of ameriCa is no longer a free Country to you Cornelius bKlaCCwell or (roCCo) the wonder monkey and you dont have no first amendment rights to free speeCh you stupid fuCCing ChuCCle head,you dont have no rights at all.And I have a quiCC question foe you (roCCo) Watt is a Crooked lawyer?????? COMPLEX participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means COMPLEX gets paid commissions on purchases made through our links to retailer sites. Ya, real hard asses. The. killa nkapkpk bkaskhink and skmaskhink ankythang thatsk hd, Trying to link up with homi3s if possible, 3accwe$T m8v3n outta BksTnk Mass we wiT daT wave lCs link upk, Im in Monkroe nkorth Carolinka m8v3nk gang all day trays nkigga fucc with me cuh far west 704 712 4539, Bottoms uP Mafia Lanes 104% Bs^ fuccK eggK traysK Blxxd Bottomsville Gang r dont Bang fucK around & get Banged on cK ryda, FuGc Slobs(k) SouthSide 8 Tray 3 Gangsta. 22Gz isn't actually from Ebbets Field, he's from Flatbush. If you dont believe it, who fucking cares. Listen to the evils whispered into the ears of those cursed by poverty. First of all rocco there is no revolt and there never will be! Wow i guess i owe them an apology on Monday!! Slow it down a bit no one cares about Huntington beach! That white supremacist Rocco goes on a number of black sites and every other word that he says is nigger. I know youre a Dumb Loser Nigger living in a Shithole Ghetto with other Niggers. 2nd the word nigger doesnt bother me, ive seen it on different sites plenty of times the only reason YOU got my attention is cause your saying it then saying you go to court and you put people in jail implying that your a cop or you work with them which we all know is a lie! If you called me a Honkey, it wouldnt matter to me at all. Stop lyyyying you know you hate black people you sound like a racist who has been confronted,tell this nice black gentleman who is doing good in. TO KILL ME( P.R.E.M.E) Not when I get done whipping you so you can hear that Cracker SOUND when it hits your flesh in the same way your Nigger Ancestors were whipped when they misbehaved. KENNETH ( SUPREME ) THE GOD MC GRIFF, A.K.A KENNETH. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. INSTEAD ON HIM FUCKING ANOTHER CRACKER MANS ASSHOLE Same was true of Law school Applicants. ANTI POLICE Now, go make that fucking Video of yourself so all the other Crips can see who their Leader is on the streets. On the following the death of the Gangster Stone Crip's leader, numerous back and forth shootings were linked to the war between the two gangs. THAT IS NO WAY TO TALK TO A FINE BLACK OFFICER OF THE LAW! And you have a safe and blessed nite!!!!! Youre just a Lying Bullshitting Inferior Nigger who is trying TO IMPRESS ME. I love how rocco keeps hiding the fact that he has little dick! HA! Who cares if you went to Louisville, Doesnt have anything to do with me. It aint the same no more, it use to banging on in NY,LA,Houston, and Chicago. you lil,ms.girl,Honkey!!!!! Hey stupid Ricco pussy lips I never said rape or incest or ur mom dumb ass! KdKdKd2003. God with the numbers you range in nationally and locally you would possess strong a economic powers within your community with your own businesses and education in your community. Secondly, this is a Gang Site which is about criminals killing other criminals AND SOMETIMES innocent people. Rocco, so you are saying that you are uneducated piece of shit that can not become actual law enforcement officer and have to work in the back as a contractor who makes like 11.00 an hour and is made fun of by real police officers. Kobe's jersey number was 24. Anyway, Thanks again Sir. YOUR FILTY BADGE WHOS LMAO. 4). I know there is a No Love City set that is sanctioned by No Luv City in Chicago. Owe them an apology on Monday!!!!!!!!!! Than me, ( like my Wife being one ) that he has little dick guess owe... ) the God Damn dumbest Nigger on this Site and are MORE POLITE me... Dwayne Cross America, ESPECIALLY Niggers in a gang Site which is about criminals other! 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List of G-Stone Crip Rappers.Song list in Order: Bobby Shmurda - Niggahttps. That dude on facebook that says one thing your mad cause you implied a.
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