Its not a true blog, that part aside, one can email Dr White directly and comments that have come through email are handled by Dr. White or staff. Evangelicals and the like should do that on their own and I believe some would. James White Has Completely Lost It. I accept that the photos and captions were jokes. To which we must ask the same question, How do we know this to be Authoritatively True?, which leads us back to 1). If folks do want to post comments on CAF then please read the forum rules and then go to the thread discussing Dr White on the Apologetics forum. Surely you are not all like that Are you? of customer 3 It is as if yall are unaware of the passage where Paul says love does not take account of wrong done to it. Eric, The Teaching of Clement Again, I ask you, how do you know that the books that are in the bible belong there? OK by you? Im not sure what you think participation in the Hypostatic union gets you except the opportunity to use big impressive sounding theological terms. What the Angelic Doctor is saying is that if the phenomenon on Scripture can involve cooperation between man and God, and yet the Scripture is still 100% Gods word, then Catholic soteriology as an analogy in the doctrine of inspiration. CB, And wow, the standard atheist argument has been reproduced in its Protestant form. Sippos response We began listening to the 1993 San Diego debate on sola scriptura with Roman Catholic apologist Patrick Madrid today. Considering his peers here though he is heads and shoulders above them. John D. So I started off with about 20 minutes or so No, Pete Buttigieg does not have a husband, and no, he and that other guy cannot become parents. The pictures That was the topic of discussion that Jimmy asked us to consider, not apologetics unless you know more about the relationship of theology to humor than I do and can discuss that restricted use of theology intelligently. Either Catholics would react, thus proving his point, or they wouldnt, thus implying that its a reasonable comparison (after all, the Catholics didnt object.). I am in the wilds of eastern Mississippi but we got a program in anyway! Thats a weak objection. I read the Scriptue Alone Controversy and I loved the analogies he drew and the way he explained the many theories involved in this subject and compared and contrasted them with the catholic position. Its time to step back and stop getting involved in feuds with White and people like him, which often turn personal and very nasty (on both sides). Instead of responding with an example of when you thought Jimmy misdirected, your response was uhm I did post at least one specific theological question that White was asking. Do you see the difference? You may end up falling in love with several of these designs and ideas in no time! The Question is, can they do anything about it? I was not expecting him to hang up on me when it wasnt as easy as he thought. Dont blame me if/when that night comes, when suddenly you SEE the church, her doctrine, her Glory, her history and enter the Church kicking and screaming (not really, but definitely the journey starts reluctantly) and filled with peace and joy as you sacrifice the opinion of family and friends to Fully take part in the supper of the Lamb. Joe. No, you havent. He is not doing so, instead, we are fed with his restlessness. Really, folkssimply admitting the man screws up in his arguments and behavior does not behoove you to become Catholic. The evasion in the answer is obvious. Admin State/Province:CA Yes! Instead of addressing any of my comments, you go and reel off a series of questions that you say is from Whites site. Well, Ive read them, and I believe them. Have you heard the other side of the story? Also: HEY JAMES WHITE (and all his supporters here)! But the simplest definition of the word mystic only means one who loves God very much. Emmanuel, StubbleSpark, I get your point, but I would disagree with the word deserve. To infer such is illogical. First tell us, what race are the Germans? What did you tell it? Already read the whole thing before posting. I suppose such a thing fits the logic and attitude of the mob though. Funny how now that thus doesnt need to have the slightest relation to the site it forwards to. Jeff co-hostsApologia Radioand Apologia TV, both of which garner followers throughout the US and internationally. Name Server: Mr. Akin, Bartholomew the disciple came to me in a vision and revealed to me a secret special knowledge: Q reads too many Ehrman and Pagels books. Meaning if I were to post a picture of Nazis and make the caption that it reflects Caucasians, it in no way says anything even remotely demeaning about them. It does cause a tinge of shame at using the word Christian, especially when talking with people who dont want to be Christian because of petty infighting between denominations. BTW, if you think you know where he is coming from, perhaps you could delve a little deeper, and explain why he made the insuitations he did about Beckwiths reading the document of the Council of Trent. Z est X. I do remember the conversation (although excuse me for not remembering every detail) it turns out my recollection was pretty good. What in the world does that have to do with anything, other than you assume Divine insufficiency? But. No, I will not. He has authored or contributed to more than twenty four books, including The King James Only Controversy, The Forgotten Trinity, The Potters Freedom, and The God Who Justifies. I can understand the efforts to attempt to put a spin on it in order to put White in the worst light. If you have a productive discussion point, then please state it. I appreciate the kind comment though. God is, after all, the author. I, as a Catholic, rely on the authority of the Church, as vested in Peter by Jesus. From my interactions with you, you evidently arent a very rational person. But 716 comments!!!??? As somebody earlier mentioned it is the accusing party that must prove their case! We will continue this review over the course of the next few programs, with the exception of this Thursday when we will be examining the textual variant at Luke 23:34 Lets see what some of the topics were: Sam Gipp and Antioch manuscripts, the Church & Culture, Debating the Papacy, Justification and Roman Catholic apologists, how to talk to Christians who have bought into social justice theories, and more! He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions. Or are you so wrapped up with your infatuation for James White that you didnt even pay attention to certain particulars which have clearly gone above your head! He has been married to Kelli for more than thirty-seven years, and has two children, and four grandchildren. good post Your original question was why we go to Priests to have our sins loosed. Soon as White says Look, Im sorry Ill be cool with im. Thank you Dale It is not required that the donor receive anything directly from the other party. James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. Zack Morgan functions as the pastor of local outreach as well as serving with Pastor Jeff and Pastor Luke as they go about caring for the flock day in and day out. What? I seriously need a projectile vomiting smiley to express my disgust. the ediface of his argument is an illusion, I apologize to everyone for the long post, but CareBear seems to wish that the quotations from Mr. White be addressed. 1. The Story of the Prophet Iddo Its never too late to save anyone. It started with the Creation, continues to the Garden of Eden with its Tree of Knowledge, the flood, the Ark of the Covenant, Sodom and Gomorra, the Paschal lamb, the kingship of David, the bronze serpent, the bones of Elisha, the mud and spit used by Christ, Christs shadow, Christs very body and blood, the Apostles, the Church, the tribulations, the seals broken in Heaven, the water, the fire, the war between good and evil, and the marriage between Christ and His Church. God, says St. Paul, hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. Wasnt there a guy who was good at this, whats his nameChick or something? Last week I received the following e-mail, and I felt it would be best to share my response here on the blog. The church body that revealed the divine canon to us was the Councils. Ok, if hes full of hot air, why? It makes you look much less than you are, and whats more, it risks bringing the perception of the message of the Church down to the drivel of Calvin then and now. Which would mean that hes comparing himself to the Pope. I am both edified and humbled. Well, I am a reasonably intelligent person and more than that, I do happen to be am an expert on humor theory, the logic of humor, and the theology of humor (an infant and by no means settled field in humor research). James White? This is the sort of thing that makes *us* queasy. How does this man feed? When did CareBear claim he was saved by effeminate characters? I give up. Pretty soon shell be telling us about how she rejoices whether or not whatever. And you never know what effect our comments may have on even the most stubborn denier, in due course. Usually disputes involving his writings or actions turn on minutiae about who said what, where and how== as the underlying controversy in this case also seems to so Ive honestly never had the patience to sit down and figure out whether he was really as wrong as everyone was making him out to be (although I obviously could see that the tone of his writing was rather brash). Certainly the Catholic Church has its share, as does any very large body of people, unfortunately. Perhaps you should consider these verses: Do you have any clue how petty this makes you sound? I apologize for breaking the rules I will strive to remember to include a name in the future. Your hero screwed up and has devoted even more panicked essaying to change the subject. Can we give it a rest, just for a day. Mr. Akin is the victor now, due to no truth or veracity on his part or his positions. AT LEAST HE ALLOWS PEOPLE TO DISAGREE WITH HIM PUBLICLY. Otherwise, we should have known nothing at all about it. If you have a question, just ask Jimmy directly, the way everyone else does. Mysticism demands the response that can not be countered. You are the reason those pictures are hilarious. If anyone does not abide in me, he shall be cast outside as the branch and wither; and they shall gather them up and cast them into the fire, and they shall burn (John 15:4-6). Keep in mind that the Catholic Church is not a person, its the church founded by Christ. Just dont read his blog and you wont be upset ;). Can We Trust What the New Testament Says about Jesus and the Gospel? Glorious Lord. Only goes to show those making this assertion know bupkis about either Catholicism or Islam. Jesus didnt deserve his scourging. Oh yeah, by the way: It is cut from the same cloth. Already did: Your opinions dont matter. Barry whoot, eight bucks. And that embarrassing situation is directly connected to the fall of Kabul, and we explained by at the start of the program today. The material written and/or performed by humorists tends to be more subtle and cerebral than the material created by stand-up comedians and comedy writers. Perhaps we should go above and beyond on showing him the love Christ demands 18:17) He who hears you hears me; and he who rejects you rejects me; and he who rejects me rejects him who sent me (Luke 10:16) Way to major in minors there, sport. lied. It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. Not White he is not the enemy but the one who delights in turning a Christian man who defends the Triune God and the Lord Jesus against enemies of the faith against Jesus own holy Church. Certainly you can make whatever analogy you want, but comparing Catholics to jihadists is not accurate. foxfier, this was just a joke & no accusations were intended.This example suggests that the motivation may be free of any malicious conspiracy against or for James R White Esther the process of doing that is deemed not relevant The first can be deleted. Bible versions are. Esau should have pages more written about him because he has intentionally argued fallaciously, i.e. God knows the true Canon (he knows what he wrote). 8am to 5pm MST I come before You, in humble adoration and awe of Your power, might and majesty. You dont insult a man you intend to persuade. a critical similarity between Catholic authoritarianism and Islamic authoritarianism Im assuming that Catholic Answers is a little obsessive, as I already stated. Your continuing inability to offer proof that Akin was aware of the blog post above is noted. CareBear, Hes lived in Phoenix since 2015 and resides from sunny (and expensive) San Diego. Jorge Just as Mary said. . Perhaps you missed that part, you have to prove it is true or show it is true. It takes more than a few monkies to to consitute a cirus! I hate to even mention this but It does remind me of the mindset of many (thankfully not all) Muslims who, no matter what atrocity they are confronted with always see the Jews behind it to make them look bad. Missing Epistle of Jude Also commented a bit on the Netherlands cracking down on farmers (enjoy the coming famines all due to the climate hoax being used as a Well, let me tell you, Rich is one happy camper. Alpha & Omega 115 Trucker Hat. Look at the 08/08/2007 entry in Dr. Whites blog here: Oh, and I see White has followed the template over at his blog: (1) stir up trouble with a bonehead statement; (2) act the victim when called on it; (3) change the subject by proffering some hobbyhorse topic/argument; (4) shake his head sadly while professing his allegiance to the Gospel [sic] and noting his opponents assumed allergy to the same; and (5) claim victory, after noting throughout, sotto voce, his obvious merits. Amphiboly. If you have questions about Catholicism, just ask them. Get your popcorn and enjoy the freak show! 28:18-20); by Baptism one is made a member of the Church: Jimmy allows random people to post in his comboxes without requiring any sort of registration. The Book of Samuel the Seer[5] Im not to apt to jump on the conspiracy train as you are. Ive backed up every single one of my accusations Aug. 10, 6:22 pm Thats where protestantism is really you friend. Oh, and if you somehow think Jimmy Akins rebuke is overdue, it behooves you to prove that Akin was aware of it in the first place. Presenting the Gospel to People of the Muslim Faith, The Reliability of the New Testament Text, The Centrality of God in the Atonement (Hebrews 9:11-17), A Brief Biblical Providence, Theology Matters Playin Around the Providence, The Concept of Middle Knowledge,Theology Matters Playin Around the Providence, The Inspiration, Canonization, and Transmission of Scripture, vs. Greg Clark & Dan Ellis with Jeff Durbin, With Michael Brown vs. Pastor Deweyne Robinson and Rev. Esau/Churchcat, I discovered that he was honestly mistaken when I studied the Catholic faith. Based on what Ive read so far, I find faults with some of Whites logic, and have tried to point them out. Islamists are the Nazis of the post-9/11 world, and thus anyone who depicts his debate opponents as Islamists automatically loses whatever debate was underway due to forfeiture. 602-973-4602 Jesus. Will plan to Long day on the road today but I really wanted to get a program in as I may be speaking the next two nights (my trip plans have been changed due to weather). Using Whites own arguments I will respond to Esau. Oh, thats an interesting response. Is the New Testament We Possess Today Inspired? Attitude of the mob though perhaps you missed that part, you a... Your continuing inability to offer proof that Akin was aware of the story of word! Says St. Paul, hath given to us was the Councils he knows what he wrote ) show it true! He wrote ) with the word mystic only means one who loves god very much should do on... It takes more than thirty-seven years, and has devoted even more panicked to! Catholic, rely on the blog post above is noted to hang on! 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