Register documents. Additionally, T-NEX is the perfect pre-stress conditioning choice for the coming season. A . The analysis and recommendations made in this blog post are based on research findings from 2013 and 2014 production years. Also, the tolerance for sugarcane, molasses is established at a different level than requested to conform with EPA's rounding class practice by removing the trailing zero. The nozzles do emit larger spray particles but may be more efficient when making rough applications. 3. Half fill the sprayer with water, add the MODDUS then top up the tank whilst maintaining agitation. Furthermore, the lesions remained confined to the supporting cells in the central nervous system (CNS) and did not progress to more advanced or more extensive damage of the nervous tissue. error_outlineEmergency Number01484 538 444. if (window != top) In the event of a Toxic or Transport Emergency in the UK please telephone 01484538444 at any time. Contacts. Trinexapac-ethyl. 346a, any person may file an objection to any aspect of this regulation Start Printed Page 12741and may also request a hearing on those objections. Combustible. This prototype edition of the Lodging at head emergence can cause as little as 30 or as much as 80% yield reduction. My program focuses on developing science-based information to improve the agronomic and economic viability of small grains production in Oklahoma and in the Southern Great Plains. In addition to filing an objection or hearing request with the Hearing Clerk as described in 40 CFR part 178, please submit a copy of the filing that does not contain any CBI for inclusion in the public docket. Bispyribac-sodium selectively controls annual bluegrass in cool-season turf but efficacy may be influenced by management practices, such as plant growth regulator use. Trinexapac-ethyl is classified as Not likely to be carcinogenic to humans. The combined chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity study in the rat did not demonstrate an increase in any tumor type that would be relevant to humans. Mix in manganese. 02/28/2023, 205 documents in the last year, 24 Only official editions of the In addition to filing an objection or hearing request with the Hearing Clerk as described in 40 CFR part 178, please submit a copy of the filing (excluding any Confidential Business Information (CBI)) for inclusion in the public docket. Room temperature in continental US; may vary elsewhere. Section 408(b)(2)(C) of FFDCA requires EPA to give special consideration to exposure of infants and children to the pesticide chemical residue in establishing a tolerance and to ensure that there is a reasonable certainty that no harm will result to infants and children from aggregate exposure to the pesticide chemical residue. Trinexapac Ethyl improves rich color and root mass development. About the Federal Register the Federal Register. This additional margin of safety is commonly referred to as the FQPA SF. Dietary Exposure Evaluation Model (DEEMTM) 7.81 default concentration factors were used to estimate residues of trinexapac-ethyl in processed commodities. Use non-sparking tools. Developmental rabbit study. For the purposes of this tolerance action, therefore, EPA has assumed that trinexapac-ethyl does not have a common mechanism of toxicity with other substances. Trinexapac-ethyl is a synthetic plant growth regulator that is derived from cyclohexanecarboxylate. Further information about EPA's risk assessment and determination of safety can be found at in the document titled Trinexapac-ethyl. No lodging occurred in 2014 regardless of treatment. While every effort has been made to ensure that The Codex Alimentarius is a joint United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization food standards program, and it is recognized as an international food safety standards-setting organization in trade agreements to which the United States is a party. Agricultural Chemical. In addition, EPA periodically reevaluates pesticides to ensure their safety in light of new scientific and regulatory information. Lodging occurs due to a variety of factors, and as shown in the figure below, the timing of lodging will determine the final impact on grain yield. and services, go to Evidence of increased susceptibility to offspring exists at or above the limit dose of the developmental and reproduction studies. Unfortunately, iron and calcium harden water, which may reduce trinexapac-ethyl uptake into the leaf and lower growth suppression. Until the ACFR grants it official status, the XML As to residue levels in food, EPA assumed that residues are present in all commodities at the tolerance level and that 100% of commodities with tolerances are treated with trinexapac-ethyl. Trinexapac-ethyl 25%ec, 250g/l ec from Chinese Other supplier - Meorient Import & Export Co.LTD on Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. requested these tolerances under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). Schedule for Beginning Reviews. Application of Palidsade or Palisade plus Tilt resulted in numeric reductions in lodging scores at Stillwater in 2013, but the result were too variable to result in statistical significance. There were no differences in grain yield at Stillwater or Chickasha in 2014. Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm (Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +8 hours). Consistent with FFDCA section 408(b)(2)(D), and the factors specified in FFDCA section 408(b)(2)(D), EPA has reviewed the available scientific data and other relevant information in support of this action. 272 note). In 2013 we evaluated the plant growth regulator trinexapac-ethyl, which is sold under the trade name Palisade. In the mouse, there was no evidence of carcinogenicity. Trinexepac-ethyl Brand: PrimeraOne Downloads: Label , SDS Containing the same active ingreedient as PRIMO MAXX; PrimeraONE Trinexapac-Ethyl will make your course greener and reduce the number of mowings, saving labor, fuel, and time. The petition requested that 40 CFR part 180.662 be amended by establishing tolerances for residues of the herbicide trinexapac-ethyl, (4-(cyclopropyl-a-hydroxy-methylene)-3,5-dioxo-cyclohexanecarboxylic acid ethyl ester), and its primary metabolite CGA-179500 in or on sugarcane, cane at 1.5 parts per million (ppm) and sugarcane, molasses at 5.0 ppm. Trinexapac Ethyl improves rich color and root mass development. 321(q), 346a and 371. ii. on Trinexapac-ethyl is a synthetic plant growth regulator that is derived from cyclohexanecarboxylate. Trinexapac-ethyl. on This final rule is not a major rule as defined by 5 U.S.C. Trinexapac-ethyl Chemical Structures GB RN 1422 Trade Name GOVERNOR G Label Indication Conventional Chemical CB RN 748461 Country USA Company THE ANDERSONS, INC. CAS RN 143294-89-7; 104273-73-6 Product Type Formulation IUPAC Name 4- [cyclopropyl (hydroxy)methylidene]-3,5-dioxocyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid Compound Indication PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR This repetition of headings to form internal navigation links While application of Palisade resulted in numeric reductions in plant height at Chickasha and Stillwater, differences among treatments were not statistically significant. Further information regarding EPA standard assumptions and generic inputs for residential exposures may be found at Trinexapac-ethyl EPA registers pesticides under Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Federal Register. (We`ll never share your email address with a third-party.). Palisade did not affect lodging at Perkins in 2013. on on In making its tolerance decisions, EPA seeks to harmonize U.S. tolerances with international standards whenever possible, consistent with U.S. food safety standards and agricultural practices. For more information on the general principles EPA uses in risk characterization and a complete description of the risk assessment process, see documents in the last year, 121 The authority citation for part 180 continues to read as follows: Authority: This site displays a prototype of a Web 2.0 version of the daily Sweep spilled substance into covered sealable containers. The goal to is to apply trinexapac-ethyl only to the leaf as this is the only route of uptake into the plant. Developmental rabbit study. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified below is to be determined by measuring only the free and conjugated forms of both trinexapac-ethyl, ethyl 4- (cyclopropylhydroxymethylene)-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylate and trinexapac, 4- (cyclopropylhydroxymethylene)-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylic acid, calculated as the stoichiometric equivalent More information and documentation can be found in our Upon review of the available information, EPA concludes that these tolerances would be safe. To ensure proper receipt by EPA, you must identify docket ID number EPA-HQ-OPP-2020-0046 in the subject line on the first page of your submission. Following chronic exposure, dose-related neuropathology of the brain was seen at 365/357 mg/kg/day in male and female dogs respectively. documents in the last year, by the Federal Highway Administration ABSTRACT. Pesticide manufacturing (NAICS code 32532). Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice If in eyes Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. on informational resource until the Administrative Committee of the Federal This table of contents is a navigational tool, processed from the developer tools pages. the official SGML-based PDF version on, those relying on it for You may be potentially affected by this action if you are an agricultural producer, food manufacturer, or pesticide manufacturer. 601 et seq. rendition of the daily Federal Register on does not It is interesting to note that the Palisade treatment increased grain yield at Perkins even though the plots lodged at comparable levels as the non treated check. Trinexapac-ethyl is included in Standard category. Trinexapac-ethyl can be used in many areas that can be frequented by the general population including residential areas (e.g., home lawns, recreational turf). electronic version on GPOs regulatory information on with the objective of We included an untreated check and ALL plots, including the check, received 10.5 oz/ac of Quilt Xcel at Feekes GS 10.5 (heading). documents in the last year, 522 The extract was directly injected into the HPLC system. As those sections continue to reflect the Agency's current position on those topics, those sections are incorporated here by reference. EPA may establish a tolerance that is different from a Codex MRL; however, FFDCA section 408(b)(4) requires that EPA explain the reasons for departing from the Codex level. EPA assessed residential exposure with the assumption that homeowner handlers wear shorts, short-sleeved shirts, socks, and shoes, and that they complete all tasks associated with the use of a pesticide product including mixing/loading, if needed, as well as the application. Containers can be triply rinsed (or equivalent) and offered for recycling or reconditioning. on 3. All other brand names used on this website are Trademarks of other manufacturers in which proprietary rights may exist. P501 Dispose of contents/container to an appropriate treatment and disposal facility in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and product characteristics at time of disposal. To summarize our work, we found a trend for one to two inch reductions in plant height when Palisade or Palisade plus Tilt were applied, but this did not consistently translate to increased grain yield. Receipt of a Pesticide Petition Filed for Residues of B. Health Canada will accept written comments on PRD2020-13 up to 45 days from the date of publication of PRD2020-13. Based on these risk assessments, EPA concludes that there is a reasonable certainty that no harm will result to the general population, or to infants and children from aggregate exposure to trinexapac-ethyl residues. Hazardous to the aquatic environment, long-term (Chronic) - Category Chronic 1, H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. by the Patent and Trademark Office 95266-40-3 - RVKCCVTVZORVGD-QXMHVHEDSA-N - Trinexapac-ethyl [ISO] - Similar structures search, synonyms, formulas, resource links, and other chemical information. An anonymous citizen objected to the presence of any pesticide residues on food. Aggregating chronic (or background) dietary exposure with short- and intermediate-term exposures, EPA has concluded that the combined food, water, and short- and intermediate-term residential exposures result in aggregate margins of exposures above the level of concern for all scenarios assessed and are not of concern. 346a(d)(3), announcing the filing of a pesticide petition (PP 9F8761) by Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC, P.O. documents in the last year, 1408 In this Issue, Documents Section 408(b)(2)(D)(v) of FFDCA requires that, when considering whether to establish, modify, or revoke a tolerance, the Agency consider available information concerning the cumulative effects of a particular pesticide's residues and other substances that have a common mechanism of toxicity. EPA has not found trinexapac-ethyl to share a common mechanism of toxicity with any other substances, and trinexapac-ethyl does not appear to produce a toxic metabolite produced by other substances. Potentially affected entities may include, but are not limited to those engaged in the following activities: This listing is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather to provide a guide for readers regarding entities likely to be affected by this action. EPA has evaluated the available toxicity data and considered its validity, completeness, and reliability as well as the relationship of the results of the studies to human risk. I the absence of weakened stems due to freeze or disease, most lodging in wheat is caused by failure of the root anchorage system (root lodging). In terms of revenue, the global top. Substance Name: Trinexapac-ethyl [ISO] RN: 95266-40-3 UNII: Q89W563T9J InChIKey: RVKCCVTVZORVGD-QXMHVHEDSA-N. // --> This site displays a prototype of a Web 2.0 version of the daily Because these products primarily affect cell elongation and not division, the number of new cells is only slightly reduced while their ability to elongate is significantly altered. for better understanding how a document is structured but The acute dietary exposure estimate for females 13 to 49 years old will only utilize 2% of the aPAD, which is well below the Agency's level of concern (100% of the aPAD). on Application of Palisade or Palisade plus Tilt increased grain yield at Perkins in 2014 even though there was no lodging. Based on the data summarized in Unit III.A., EPA has concluded that trinexapac-ethyl does not pose a cancer risk to humans. Trinexapac-ethyl 4-()-3,5-4-(Cyclopropyl-alpha-hydroxymethylene)-3,5-dioxo-cyclohexanecarboxylic acid ethyl ester C13H16O5 252.27 FW252.27 36.0mp36.0>270bp>270pKa: 4.71.6mPa(20) 2.16mpa(25)(20g/L)2.8(pH 4.9)10.2(pH 5.5)21.1(pH 8.2)5% Trinexapac-ethyl effects on red clover seed crops . Recommendations may change as further research is conducted and new information is obtained. The Codex Alimentarius is a joint U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization food standards program, and it is recognized as an international food safety standards-setting organization in trade agreements to which the United States is a party. [Reserved], (c) Tolerances with regional registrations. on Full disclosure: Syngenta donated the product for this trial, but the only funding for the research was provided by the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station and the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service. Information on this page: Gas Chromatography; Application of Palidsade or Palisade plus Tilt resulted in numeric reductions in lodging scores at Stillwater, but the result were too variable to result in statistical significance. Objections and requests for hearings must be received on or before May 1, 2012, and must be filed in accordance with the instructions provided in 40 CFR part 178 (see also Unit I.C. Since the short- and intermediate-term toxicological endpoints for trinexapac-ethyl are the same for each route of exposure, only short-term exposures were assessed. - Double-bond stereo. The name " " is approved in China for trinexapac and for trinexapac-ethyl. documents in the last year, 37 Discharge into the environment must be avoided. That decision is based on the following findings: i. The following list of North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a guide to help readers determine whether this document applies to them. In applying this provision, EPA either retains the default value of 10X, or uses a different additional safety factor when reliable data available to EPA support the choice of a different factor. Trinexapac-ethyl is used to control the growth on various grass species and crops. These tools are designed to help you understand the official document documents in the last year, 11 As such, the Agency has determined that this action will not have a substantial direct effect on States or tribal governments, on the relationship between the national government and the States or tribal governments, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government or between the Federal Government and Indian tribes. Rolston, C.J. Due to the low acute toxicity of trinexapac-ethyl the allocation of an ARfD, and hence an acute consumer risk assessment was not considered necessary. Clethodim. (b) Section 18 emergency exemptions. daily Federal Register on will remain an unofficial . Federal Register provide legal notice to the public and judicial notice documents in the last year, 20 Tolerances are established for residues of the plant growth inhibitor, trinexapac-ethyl, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the commodities in the table below. Open for Comment, Economic Sanctions & Foreign Assets Control, Electric Vehicle Standards and Requirements, Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government. We rated plots for lodging at harvest using a 1 10 scale with 0 equaling no lodging and 10 equaling complete lodging. FIRST AID c-Trinexapac-ethyl 1 ME Page 2 If on skin or Take off contaminated clothing. documents in the last year, 287 Pursuant to the Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. Therefore, based on the risk assessments and information described above, EPA concludes there is a reasonable certainty that no harm will result to the general population or to infants and children from aggregate exposure to trinexapac-ethyl residues. Be relevant to humans a cancer risk to humans the tank whilst maintaining agitation, 37 Discharge the. Did not demonstrate an increase in any tumor type that would be relevant to humans and new information is.. Study in the last year, 287 Pursuant to the Congressional Review (! Data summarized in Unit III.A., EPA periodically reevaluates pesticides to ensure their safety in light new... The leaf as this is the only route of exposure, dose-related neuropathology of the lodging at harvest using 1... 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